18th April 2020
Lockdown Continues
And is conducive to the creative mind?
I read the opening chapter of Wuthering Heights when sat in the bath tonight and wondered was it worthy of mention as a lockdown recommendation. The setting was described as a “perfect misanthropist’s heaven”. “In all of England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society.”
I did a bit of mild wondering as I towelled myself after. I wondered along the lines of were the Bronte sisters rivalrous and whether genetics played a part in their success. My knowledge of their peculiarities was scant. But that was soon rectified: Wikipedia informed me of much – most notably that they were raised in relative isolation. Aha, said I. The book and the author were indeed relevant to our times.
(N.B., I don’t know as yet what happens in the rest of the novel but already there’s been a mass dog attack and a proliferation of weaponry is evident in the manor. I think I’ll stick with it.)
And it wasn’t just the peoples and the literature of the past that have been occupying my mind – I did a bit of wondering about the future this week too. In fact, maybe I could legitimately claim the last seven days to have been a wonder-full week?
Anyway, I made a list of my concerns.
Covid Questions: Batch Number 1
Will life ever speed up again?
Will the days become delineated again?
Will we ever truly trust unknown others again?
Will we forever flinch from touch?
Will we resent all future offers of a handshake?
Will we not brave a new kissing until the 12th date? Or beyond.
Will this new normal usurp the past normal?
Will the now nervous Postman only ever ring once?
And immediately back off a safe distance from my door?
Will Surreal become the New Deal?
Will the till recently bizarre become the ordinary?
Will neighbours forever wave from doorsteps with their saucepans in their hands?