Short story’s inspired by different writing prompts posted to r/WritingPrompts
A.I. 24/7 | Reddit Writing Prompt – 8
Whatever world we physically build can it ever compete with the one(s) we imagine?
Beth Becomes You | Reddit Writing Prompt – 7
Your parents named you Death but people usually mishear it as Beth
Donkeys Fed by Lions | Reddit Writing Prompt – 6
You died partway during a vicious war, and are welcomed to the viewing party by deceased members of both sides.
Listen for the Swan Song | Reddit Writing Prompt – 5
And if she dies in the meantime then what?
Deja Zoo | Reddit Writing Prompt – 4
The apocalypse is coming. Noah heads to the zoo.
Christmas Bizarre | Reddit Writing Prompt – 3
Your Family Reunites For Thanksgiving Dinner. However, All-Hell Breaks Lose When Your Father (A Necromancer) Revives The Turkey.
Telekinetic Transport | Reddit Writing Prompt – 2
You never miss a pill ever since you were a kid and diagnosed with a deadly illness. One night while out, you’re kidnapped by human traffickers. You plea to be let go because you’ll die without your pills. Turns out, the pills were keeping your telekinesis at bay. It’s starting to come back.
No Soul or Hot Coal | Reddit Writing Prompt – 1
The Devil returns from a long day making deals and collecting souls, but along the way to his keep he manages to unwittingly drop one… yours. Years later you arrive in Hell, but since the Devil doesn't know where your soul is, he can't manipulate or punish you. You're just kind of… there.